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  • Hi, I'm Rooster. I'm not going to waste space on here telling you about me. If you want to know who I am and what I'm about, check out my profile on MySpace. You can also email me by clicking here.

The Rooster's Thoughts

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The Pointless Smile

You know, I feel like a hypocrite. I caught myself doing the same thing I find so annoying. What is this you ask? It's the "pointless smile".

It's when you are walking down the hall at work, or the sidewalk anywhere else and you are walking past someone and you both give the "pointless smile" to each other.

The "pointless smile" is intended to be a courteous gesture, but in reality, it's a "buster, I don't know you, I don't want to know you, so keep on walking" implication.

So, next time you walk by me and feel like giving me a smile like this:

Go fuck yourself.

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Totally, I don't like fake smiles and I don't like fake ass tricks....

hey, that looks a lot like the smile I give you every time I see you.

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