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  • Hi, I'm Rooster. I'm not going to waste space on here telling you about me. If you want to know who I am and what I'm about, check out my profile on MySpace. You can also email me by clicking here.

The Rooster's Thoughts

Wednesday, February 28, 2007

A Convenient Truth

I love it when Democrats are exposed as the hypocrites they are. You've probably seen the news about Gore's electricity bill being close to $1400 a month.

Yup, the voice behind global warming awareness is wasting natural resources more than the average American.

Gore claims he makes up for it by investing in $432 per month in green power.

Um, hello? Two problems here:
  1. Do the math:  $1359 on the non-environment friendly energy consumption per month.  $432 a month in green power investments.  That's $927 worth of still-wasted energy consumption per month.  That doesn't offset anything.  Yet, he states this balances 100%.  We can post that statement right next to him spelling "potato" with an "e".
  2. Gore's spokeperson, Kalee Kreider, states "Focusing on Gore's personal electricity consumption misses the point of "An Inconvenient Truth," which is that governments and the public can work together to reduce emissions."  

Thanks for pointing #2 out. What part of Gore's wasteful energy consumption works with the people and the government to reduce emissions? Is it the part about investing in green energy each month? Nope, that can't be it (refer to #1 above). This doesn't change the fact that he is wasting fossil fuels just like the rest of the world.

Oh, I'm sorry, did I say "just like the rest of the world"? I meant, 4 times more than the average American with an equivalent size home as Gore.

Too bad I'm not a Democrat. If I was, I could start a campaign raising awareness about blogging being a waste of time and energy. And then blog about it.

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Tuesday, February 27, 2007

The Hunt is Over

After 5 weeks of job searching, video game playing, book reading boredom, I finally got an offer at Microsoft.

So, I've gone from Cingular to Microsoft to Cingular and now back to Microsoft. Full circle, twice.

Whatever, the money is good. I think I'll take it.

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Sunday, February 25, 2007

Let the Beat Rock!

A lot of people ask me why I am so "in love" with electronic music. My question back to them is "how can you not love it?"

People in this country are so enveloped in rock, hip hop, and country. People say techno is repetitive. When I listen to the aforementioned genres, I hear:
  • Rock: The same old guitar rifs, all the time.  I like bands/singers like Dave Matthews, Jason Mraz, John Legend, Green Day, and a few others, but when you get into hard rock/metal, it's all the same: HATRED! DIE! WORSHIP SATAN! KILL! Call me crazy, but that is just not my thing (especially the worship Satan part).
  • Hip hop: I like the beats for the most part. They aren't too different from most techno beats that I listen to, just slowed down.  The thing that gets me, much like hard rock/metal, the message is repetitive:  Got my gat, gonna bust a cap, (droppin the "N" bomb), killin gangsta's, gettin some boot-ay!, and the always classic "BLING".  Talk about repetitive!  And the hip hop fans are the one's who question my taste the most.  Of course, it's generally the white guys who think listening to hip hop makes them tough.  
  • Country:  Twang twang diddly dang, "My wife left me, my truck was stolen, and my dog ran away".  Enough said right there.
My response as to why I like techno so much:  First off, I don't like the mainstream crap you hear on your local FM radio station.  That, in fact, does fit your stereotype of annoying and repetitive.  I'll give you that.  

I listen to the stuff you can't easily find in the U.S., yet has taken the rest of the world by storm.  Breakbeats, house, ambient dub, and drum n' bass.  

The best part:  There is no message.  It's all about the music.  It is not defined by the lyrics.  You're not influenced or corrupted by some dumbass like Kanye West who seems to think their musical talent justifies a political opinion.  

My challenge to you is to take a look at a couple of the links I have provided below.  This is electronic music by genre, that has swept the world, yet is difficult to find in the US.  This is the music I live by.  The music that I love.  Enjoy.

Some of these are links to podcasts, so it will open up in iTunes if you have it:


Saturday, February 24, 2007

Political Crap

I was just reading an article about how Cheney is, when reading between the lines, threatening war with Iran because they are not complying with shutting down their nuclear program.

I could spend hours getting into details here, but I'm just going to get to the point:

It is so hypocritical that the UN, specifically the United States, is threatening countries that have nuclear programs with war. Who is the biggest nuclear power on the Earth? The US. How can we, in good conscience, tell other countries they can't have nuclear programs when we have the worst kind imaginable?

In closing, I'd like to preemptively counteract my Democrat and Liberal friends that are sure to say something like "that's a Republican for you", just remember: Franklin D. Roosevelt, who started the nuclear shame, was a Democrat.

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Tuesday, February 20, 2007

The Hunt

Well, it's been since January 29th since I was laid off from my job. I'm on week four of unenjoyment (a.k.a. unemployment).

According to my "Job Application Log", I have applied for 24 positions. I've had a couple promising interviews where I'm waiting for next steps, a second interview, or an offer.

Regardless, I am going stir crazy. I've never been out of a job like this. At least, not when I'm responsible for stuff, i.e. rent, groceries, car payment, bills, etc.

It's ironic that when I had a job, I looked forward to having more than a week off. Now that I've got more than a week off, all I want is to get back in a job. Funny how that works out.

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Saturday, February 17, 2007

The Greatest Gift

In this world, people are very proud and love to create things for themselves. They tend to think that even though what they create may not be quite as nice as other options out there, they want to stick with what they made "because they made it".

In this example, let's talk about building a house.

So you decide to build a house with your own blood, sweat, and tears. You mock up the blue-prints, you buy the tools, wood, concrete, wiring, and whatever else you may need.

You start building.

As you go along you find out that building a house is actually very difficult. As you progress, it becomes more complex and you get extremely frustrated. You find you cannot do it alone.

As you become so frustrated and decide you might give up, some strange guy walks up to you and says, "Hey, I see that you are having some troubles there and I thought I might pass along a message. I know a guy who has offered to give you a 'street-of-dreams' quality house, all paid for, no paper work to sign, already built, completely furnished, and ready for you to move in. Just accept this gift and all you have to do in return is get to know him."

Tell me, do you accept the greatest gift you could ever imagine? Or would you say "no thanks", either giving up on your house and losing everything, or let your pride get the best of you and keep building your own house that will never meet the world's standards?

This post is a conversation-starter. Let me know what you would do. I am quite curious.

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Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Happy VD... Uh...

I've seen a lot of people put "Happy VD" on their Messenger tag line today. I'm not sure if they really thought about what that looks like, but this is definitely not something you should use use an acronym on.

For those of you that are reading this and still don't get the irony behind using this acronym, I'll spell it out for you... These people are intending "VD" to stand for Valentines Day, but this is actually the acronym for Venereal Disease!

So, my lesson to you today is not to say "Happy VD", unless you actually have it and you just gave it to someone you don't like. Oh, by the way, if the latter is the truth, let me know. I really don't want to hang out with you anymore...

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Tuesday, February 13, 2007


That's right, "Already Been Chewed" is the theme of this story. I ran into this story, titled Students get a lesson to chew on, on MSNBC.

Quick synopsis: A non-profit organization called the Rockville Pregnancy Center, was leading a demonstration at several high schools, talking about pregnancy and STD awareness. There were two parts to the demonstration:

  1. Having a volunteer chew a piece of gum for 5 seconds. When the 5 seconds is up, ask someone else to take over and start chewing that same piece of gum (i.e. ABC Gum). Apparently, upwards to 18 people were involved in this process.
  2. Having a volunteer choose one of 4 pieces of chocolate, one of which may or may not have a laxative in it.

I understand the point is to show how stupid kids can be by willingly putting themselves in a situation that can have seriously negative affects.

What I don't understand is why they didn't just express their point before allowing the next person to partake in the demonstration. They are now the cause of that which they are trying to prevent.

The least of my concerns here is the Chocolate Volunteer choosing the Snickers: Colon Blow Edition. This is my big concern:

Imagine if ABC Gum Volunteer #3 had Herpes Simplex A (for those of you that don't know, this is mouth herpes). Now, ABC Gum Volunteers #4-18 have a bucket of herpes in their mouth.

What's next? Handing out a loaded bong with a lighter in D.A.R.E class?! "See what happens when you do drugs!"

Final thought: If I ever have a kid, I'll just pay the money for private school.

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Sunday, February 11, 2007

Tent City

I don't understand why people are getting their panties in a bunch over Tent City.

It's a good thing. People constantly complain how horrible the homeless rate is, yet when these people band together and construct "Tent City", a place the homeless can call home, a destitute "apartment" complex so-to-speak, people are freaking out, saying they don't want it around.

"It's unsafe". "There are schools nearby and it doesn't seem right".

These people have a right to live. "Tent City" is a lot better than having these begging, sick, and dying citizens strewn all over our streets with no shelter.

Quit complaining and try coming up with a solution for once! Stop being the problem!

My Fiance and I were talking about this and came up with a solution in a manner of minutes.

If people don't feel "safe" with homeless camping out in the vicinity, why not have these people registered so that, if needed, they can easily be identified?

Doesn't sound like much? Well, think of it this way: Sex offenders are only required to register so that people are aware of where they live. For sex offenders, Level 1 to 3, this is all they need to do and no one can do anything about having them around. Most homeless people's worst crime is panhandling, yet they are treated worse then people who violently rape innocent human beings.

I really try not to judge people, but it's so hard not to when I know this level of hypocrisy is in our society.

These people have way too much sand in their vagina. That's right, I went there.

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Friday, February 09, 2007

Stop being retarded!

So, a little over a week ago, there was the supposed bomb scare when people found little electronic components with an image of the Moonbot from Aqua Teen Hunger Force flipping off anyone who's eyes may have seen it.

Most of them looked like broken remote controls.

I know talking about this is like beating a dead horse, but I had to add my two cents.

You people have lost your entire sense of humor. That's exactly what is wrong with this country now. The majority is so wrapped up in security that it has forgotten the fundamentals of what it is to be an American.

Freedom of Speech. Opportunity. The right to be who you are without conviction.

Pull that stick out of your ass and remember what country you live in. Stop overreacting to stupid crap like this. Just remember, when you freak out like you have to such trivial pranks such as this, that means the terrorists have gotten exactly what they want, to make us live in fear.

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Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Little Salamander

You know how sometimes you see something and it reminds you of a song, and then that song is stuck in your head all day?

Little salamander, where did you go?
The edge of the yard
I found you, you know
All brown and hard

I can't get your body out of my mind!

Yeah so, I took out the garbage this morning and I discovered my fiance had run over a salamander in our driveway. Since I saw the salamander, I have the squished amphibian picture and the Presidents song "Body" stuck in my head and it's driving me up the freaking wall.

I was hoping that sharing this with the world would get rid of it, but I guess that didn't work...


Monday, February 05, 2007

Thank you, kill a tree again!

I find it very ironic that with the emphasis in the world today is how to reverse global warming, reducing, reusing, recycling and all that jazz. Cool. I am all about making this a cleaner greener Earth (yes, that is even coming from a Republican like me).

My question: While most of world is now complying to the standards mentioned above, why is it that grocery stores are not meeting these standards?

My first complaint is why can't you recycle plastic grocery bags? It's plastic... other plastic items can be recycled, but Waste Management will deny the recycle can if they see plastic bags in there.

My second complaint is derived from my trip to the store I just got back from. I bought a bottle of hot sauce. That's it. I measured the receipt and it came out to be 2 inches wide and just under a foot long. A bottle of hot sauce justifies a receipt this big? It's not like it's recycled paper or anything. This is fresh tape. If everyone gets a receipt like this, it makes me wonder how many trees are cut down every year just to support written documentation of necessities bought.

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