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A Convenient Truth

I love it when Democrats are exposed as the hypocrites they are. You've probably seen the news about Gore's electricity bill being close to $1400 a month.

Yup, the voice behind global warming awareness is wasting natural resources more than the average American.

Gore claims he makes up for it by investing in $432 per month in green power.

Um, hello? Two problems here:
  1. Do the math:  $1359 on the non-environment friendly energy consumption per month.  $432 a month in green power investments.  That's $927 worth of still-wasted energy consumption per month.  That doesn't offset anything.  Yet, he states this balances 100%.  We can post that statement right next to him spelling "potato" with an "e".
  2. Gore's spokeperson, Kalee Kreider, states "Focusing on Gore's personal electricity consumption misses the point of "An Inconvenient Truth," which is that governments and the public can work together to reduce emissions."  

Thanks for pointing #2 out. What part of Gore's wasteful energy consumption works with the people and the government to reduce emissions? Is it the part about investing in green energy each month? Nope, that can't be it (refer to #1 above). This doesn't change the fact that he is wasting fossil fuels just like the rest of the world.

Oh, I'm sorry, did I say "just like the rest of the world"? I meant, 4 times more than the average American with an equivalent size home as Gore.

Too bad I'm not a Democrat. If I was, I could start a campaign raising awareness about blogging being a waste of time and energy. And then blog about it.

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Oh, Rooster, just like a Republican. Telling a story but leaving out crucial details that show the flaws in the story you are trying to tell, just like Fox news. For example, you don’t mention the fact that Gore is in the process of installing solar panels

Tennessee Center for Policy Research, the one source for this story that all the conservatives are quoting, didn’t verify their facts either. But why would they need to, only a “conservative” think tank from Tennessee of all places.

For example they say Al’s house, “consumes more electricity every month than the average American household”, like that’s news. Of course it would. Considering his house is quite a bit larger than the average American household.

Let’s say hypothetically, that your claim is true and that Gore doesn’t live a totally carbon neutral lifestyle. I bet he’s a hell of a lot closer than “the average American household” and closer than the people reporting the story.

Oh, I also see no mention of the solar panels

Oh, Monkey, just like a Democrat. Trying to use a minute detail to argue the overall truth, and ignore details yourself.

He may be putting in solar panels, but there is no confirmation of how many, what kind of power compensation it will provide in comparison to his years of wasteful energy consumption, and when this "renovation" started taking place.

It's quite convenient that his wasteful energy consumption has gone for years, but now that he's called out, he's suddenly doing renovations to solar panels.

In response to your arguement "Considering his house is quite a bit larger than the average American household" is an invalid arguement because if you fully read my blog, you would have noticed I said "Oh, I'm sorry, did I say "just like the rest of the world"? I meant, 4 times more than the average American with an equivalent size home as Gore."

Key words are "equivalent size home as Gore". The numbers behind this? When comparing houses of EQUIVALENT SIZES TO GORE'S, the averge household uses 15,600 kilowatt-hours per year where Gore's usage was 191,000! This is just one of his homes.

Now back to my point about when the solar panel renovation started. If this is in fact the truth, the renovation started after February 7, which was when Gore's office CONFIRMED his residencies were not green-powered, but they were "looking into switching". This information comes from USA Today, not Fox News, in case you were wondering.

Another curiousity I have: For years, Washington DC and Tennessee have offered wind mill energy, another "green" alternative. Where is Gore on that one?

Also, it's interesting to point out that Gore holds stocks in Occidental Petroleum, a company that has been critisized for drilling ecologically sensitive areas. There's also another little detail about Gore receiving royalties from Pasminco Zinc, who is mining Zinc on his own property.

Gore sure can talk the talk, but he needs to walk the walk.

But hey, in all fairness, Bush is an idiot too.

I thought I'd also post my references of the articles I'm getting my info from:



One thing that has also slipped by is the apparent "Holier than thou' attitude of Gore and mos tof the left wing. They believe that everyone else needs to live a 'green' life and that they are above having to do it. The story was actually released a year ago and also talked about his house in Virginia and how he was able to get the green credits for using more eco friendly power, but wasn't. The other thing is that the use of a non renewable source of energy, IE natural gas, accounts for another $1000 a month, makes Gores yearly power bills around $30000. This is ridiculous. Isn't this an 'Inconvienient Truth' for the left wing

So what you are saying here is, we have a person who’s been a politician most of his life not being 100% accurate…. Hmmm, that’s unusual. Good thing we’ve got the “Republicans” to keep everyone honest.

Gore still has my vote… oh wait, damn it… I mean Hillary… crap…. Obama it is!

It's all about McCain!

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