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That's right, "Already Been Chewed" is the theme of this story. I ran into this story, titled Students get a lesson to chew on, on MSNBC.

Quick synopsis: A non-profit organization called the Rockville Pregnancy Center, was leading a demonstration at several high schools, talking about pregnancy and STD awareness. There were two parts to the demonstration:

  1. Having a volunteer chew a piece of gum for 5 seconds. When the 5 seconds is up, ask someone else to take over and start chewing that same piece of gum (i.e. ABC Gum). Apparently, upwards to 18 people were involved in this process.
  2. Having a volunteer choose one of 4 pieces of chocolate, one of which may or may not have a laxative in it.

I understand the point is to show how stupid kids can be by willingly putting themselves in a situation that can have seriously negative affects.

What I don't understand is why they didn't just express their point before allowing the next person to partake in the demonstration. They are now the cause of that which they are trying to prevent.

The least of my concerns here is the Chocolate Volunteer choosing the Snickers: Colon Blow Edition. This is my big concern:

Imagine if ABC Gum Volunteer #3 had Herpes Simplex A (for those of you that don't know, this is mouth herpes). Now, ABC Gum Volunteers #4-18 have a bucket of herpes in their mouth.

What's next? Handing out a loaded bong with a lighter in D.A.R.E class?! "See what happens when you do drugs!"

Final thought: If I ever have a kid, I'll just pay the money for private school.

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