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The Rooster's Thoughts

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The Cranky Monkey vs. Murphy's Law

I had to share this... A buddy of mine, The Cranky Monkey has very bad luck with Murphy's Law.

The Cranky Monkey is exactly that, very cranky. He goes to work, complains about it, and repeatedly tries to get fired or laid off. Why he doesn't just quit and find a job he likes, I don't know. Maybe he is hesitant about losing the material behind all his highly entertaining blogs about inconsiderate morons in corporate restrooms.

One would think that if an employer hears their employee begging to be laid off, they would have the sense to recognize the individual no longer wants to work there and let him go. Does it matter why? No. Just let him go.

Seriously, he makes every effort to motivate his employer to let him go, but no, they keep saying "Congratulations, we decided to keep you on board!"

And people say Alcatraz was impossible to escape...

Hopefully one day his dreams will come true and he will be let go. Godspeed Cranky Monkey. Godspeed to you.

Actually my friend, it’s because I’m extremely lazy that I don’t go out and find another job. That and any jobs that involve doing something I would actually enjoy pay half as much as I’m making now.

You know, you are a photographer. You are just photographing the wrong things. Instead of weddings and landscapes, you need to take pornographic pictures of horses and sell them to residents of Cle Elum. You'd make bank off that!

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