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  • Hi, I'm Rooster. I'm not going to waste space on here telling you about me. If you want to know who I am and what I'm about, check out my profile on MySpace. You can also email me by clicking here.

The Rooster's Thoughts

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What Grinds My Gears

You know what REALLY grinds my gears? Stupid bitches. My fiance (not the stupid bitch, just to clarify), has been friends with some girl (the stupid bitch) at her work for some time now. My fiance introduced her to her boyfriend, has been there for her through all her drama and listened to all her "woe-is-me" shit, and hung out with her when she had no other friends... yada yada yada. The whole shabang, being a great friend.

They were both in the same position at their company and were both shooting for higher positions. They made an agreement not to go for the same positions. They told each other which positions they were going for so that they didn't cross each other's applications. Well, one person held to that agreement... my fiance.

The stupid bitch ends up applying for the same position as my fiance. They go through the interview process and the stupid bitch ends up getting the job. Words from the hiring manager: "[Stupid Bitch] only got the position because she has a degree, even though you were much more qualified".

WTF?! First off, the Stupid Bitch just proved herself to be a real shitty friend, shitty person, and all around just a dumb cunt. Ya, I went there. I hope you read this Stupid Bitch. You will know exactly who you are! You are a fucking traitor! I already knew you were a psycho bitch when it came to you dating my buddy, but when you fuck with the woman I love, you hit a new low.

Secondly, WTF is wrong with this company?! You hire someone with a piece of paper when you know someone else is more qualified for the job? You are fucking idiots. No wonder all your products are shit. I wouldn't even buy a light bulb from you fucking morons.

Now back to you, Stupid Bitch. I hope you fail miserably at this job. I hope my buddy opens his eyes and sees you for the unrealistic psychotic bitch you are. I want your traitorous faults to be exposed to all so you can experience your friends (by association only) and colleagues turn their backs on you like you did to my fiance.

For everyone else reading this... sorry you had to see/read this side of me. Trust me, it takes A LOT to get me to this point.

I guess this just goes to say something about the friends I've had for so many years. I thank you and praise you for your friendships, for being there when I needed you, for feeling comfortable enough to come to me when you need me, for being just all around good people. I pray that you never get involved with someone like Stupid Bitch. Just to set expectations, I will NOT put up this shit for anyone else. If you do get involved with someone like this, please know that when I say something about it - take it seriously, don't be offended for long. I'm only trying to help not just you, but everyone esle in our circle. We don't need this shit.

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Way to sugar coat it, next time why don’t you tell us how you really feel.

Giving you a run for your money on the cranky factor, eh?

Excellent... I especially applaud the use of the "C" word. Nicely done!

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