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  • Hi, I'm Rooster. I'm not going to waste space on here telling you about me. If you want to know who I am and what I'm about, check out my profile on MySpace. You can also email me by clicking here.

The Rooster's Thoughts

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Frodo Failed...

Well, I had a great Christmas vacation. That's right: CHRISTMAS... not "holiday", not "ChristmaHanaKwaanza", it was CHRISTMAS. Like I've referred in my previous posts, if you don't like it, piss off!

Now that I got that out of the way, here's what happened on Christmas day:

The girlfriend, the girlfriend's daughter, and I start opening presents.

I got a new robe, the Family Guy DVD game, Da Ali G Show Seasons 1&2, a badass Brookstone car emergency kit, a couple new shirts, and last but not least, a bunch of other random stuff in the stocking.

The girlfriend's daughter got a new Nintendo DS Lite, Healies, a couple comic book subscriptions, and other stuff that I've already forgotten. Whatever, it's not my stuff!

The girlfriend got a new robe (great minds think alike), some new perfume that I can't say the name of (damn french), chocolates from Godiva, two of her favorite movies - Chocolat and Moonstruck (I don't get it, but she does), a massage at Gene Juarez, and last but definitely not least... one present that I refused to let her open until everything else was taken care of.

I told you that story, so that I could lead to this one:

The last present, as you can see in the picture below, was pretty good size. That is not a small cat next to it...

The girlfriend opens up the present and gets a look of dissappointment: "I already have this same skillet!"

I say "Um, keep going..."

She opens up the "skillet" and finds another wrapped up box. She tears off the wrapping paper and finds a shoebox, for the shoes I just happen to be wearing right then. On the shoebox, I have written "That wasn't a skillet...". She's pretty sure I didn't get her man shoes, so she opens that box. Now there is a white box that says "You didn't get shoes either...". So she opens this one and finds a bunch of pillow stuffing and gets this What the hell? look on her face and then realizes there is a little box inside the stuffing.

It got real quiet.

She slowly opens the box and finds the ring. My heart is pumping faster than it ever has (at least naturally if you know what I mean), and I [probably very pathetically] said I want to spend the rest of my life with her and asked her to marry me.

Still real quiet.

Then she finally speaks up with tears in her eyes and says "oh, it's a big fat yes in case you couldn't tell" and then gets up and pretty much tackles me.

So there it is, my girlfriend is now my fiance. Therefore, Frodo failed, my future wife has the ring.