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Omnipotent Stick Strikes Again!

Adventures at Microsoft... oh yes. What a grand time indeed. The Omnipotent Stick proves itself again.

Coming back from lunch today, I scan my badge to get in the building and as I start to step through the door, 8 people just barrel their way through, pretty much shoving me out of the way. From my (and anyone else that may have seen it) point of view, I was first there and should have been the first one through the door.

The first four people didn't even acknowledge me, just snubbed their way through with their noses sticking up in the air. The fifth and sixth people just gave a head nod, just acknowledging my presence. The seventh person said "Guess you're the doorman, eh?" and the eighth person actually said "thank you."

Congratulations #8, you're on my O.K. list. However, the Omnipotent Stick reigns freely on 1-7. I can't really blame them though, I'd be just as upset and rude to people if I had a sand-packed vagina and a stick shoved so far up my ass that it scratched my nostrils.

For other stories and how-to's on dealing with Omnipotent Stick, click on the titles below.

The Omnipotent Stick
Return of the Omnipotent Stick

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Disturbing news for ya - Its no longer limited to the employer you speak of...its cropping up everywhere...

Welcome to life at Microsoft. Where the term “It’s all about me” reaches whole new levels.

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