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  • Hi, I'm Rooster. I'm not going to waste space on here telling you about me. If you want to know who I am and what I'm about, check out my profile on MySpace. You can also email me by clicking here.

The Rooster's Thoughts

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From good to bad, to worse

Wow. What a weekend. Originally, my fiance and I were going to go for a day trip down to Seaside, OR. Well, typical Northwest weather said it was going to rain, rain, rain. I really didn't want to go to the beach on a cold and rainy day.

Instead, the wife-to-be and I decided we didn't want to hang around the house, so we made other plans.

First, we went to the Burke Museum of Natural History at the University of Washington. This was pretty cool. I've never actually gone to a real museum before. If you haven't, I suggest going. It's actually quite interesting.

Next we went to Alki Beach across the lake from Seattle. It wasn't rainy there so it was actually quite nice. We didn't really watch the tide too well though, so before we knew it, we were almost completely surrounded by water on our little island of sand. We narrowly escaped.

When we left, we were taking the I-90 floating bridge and some guy in a VW Jetta decided he wanted to play a little. So I played. We were racing each other at a nice leisurely 125+ mph across Lake Washington. That was fun.

That was the last of the fun. Once I got across the lake (3 times faster than I should have), the wife-to-be and I decide to go see a movie. I wanted to go see Aqua Teen Hunger Force, but I remembered we promised to go see that with my buddy and his girlfriend when they get back in town. I was thinking to myself, "I do want to see that new Nicolas Cage movie".

So I looked it up on my phone (because it's totally safe to surf the internet on the phone while driving), and found the show times.

We drove to the movie theater, got the tickets, popcorn, and soda. We went and sat down and started watching the previews. This is where things got bad. One of the previews happened to be for the Nicolas Cage movie I thought I was there to see. Apparently I mixed up the titles and confused "Next" for "Premonition". "Premonition" is the new Sandra Bullok movie.

Oh man. That was one of the dumbest movies I've seen in looooong time. Stupid, confusing plot and the b!%@# behind me wouldn't shut up.

So, after I walk out of the movie that was so retarded that the moviegoers should have worn helmets, we decide to go get some dinner. We love sushi and thought we'd try this place right by my house that we've never been to.

OK, it's 8:00 PM on a Saturday. Any other sushi place would be PACKED at that time. Not this place. We were the only ones there. I found out why. The only decent thing there was the california rolls and the gyoza. The other 5 or 6 things we ordered were either very distasteful or way too spicy. That place gets a big ol' thumbs down from me.

Time to go home and relax. As soon as I get home and settled in, my phone rings. It's my buddy who's out of town. The guy who was supposed to be taking care of his dogs got drunk in Seattle and couldn't take care of them that evening. The backup wasn't answering his phone. I'm the backup of the backup. Sometimes I hate the fact I am so reliable and always there when people need me. Especially after what comes next.

So, I drive 35-40 minutes in the pouring down rain to get to my buddy's house. When I finally got there, I let the dogs in and feed them. While they were eating, I thought to myself, "I'm gonna shoot some pool", so as I start walking over to the pool table: Sniff, sniff - What is that smell?!

Well, my friends, I just stepped in dog crap. Not a little bit from a little dog. It was a lot from a big dog. To make things worse, I'm wearing my running shoes, so they have a lot of traction - meaning lots of little crevices for crap to get into.

I proceeded to clean my shoes - which took about 20-25 minutes to get most of it out. When I'm done, I look over at the bird cage and realize it's missing something: The bird. Every litte door on the cage was unscrewed and the freaking bird was missing. It took a while, but I finally found the little bastard walking around the house. I put the cage back together and put the bird back.

Oh man, I did I need a cigarette. So I go outside, light one up, and decide I'm going to wipe my shoes on the grass to get any last remnants of the dog crap off my shoe. Well guess what? I got the remnants alright. The remnants of a whole new pile of crap!

So, that's how my Saturday went from good to bad, to worse. For the first time in my life, I actually looked forward to Monday.
