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I'm in shape...

...and that shape is round. Holy crap. So, last night my step-daughter to be was playing with her new frisbee and accidently threw it up on the roof.

Me, being the nice guy I am, said I'd get up on the roof and get it back. The only problem: I don't have a ladder. So I pulled a MacGuyver and retrieved the larger trash can, pulled it up along side the house, jumped up on it and attempted to hoist myself on the roof.

Key word: attempted.

I quickly found out I am not in the same shape I used to be. You know, in shape, able to climb like a monkey, run like the wind, and actually be able to do stuff like this no problem. Nope, not the case anymore.

As I hoisted myself up, my extra 40-something lbs that is my gut got in the way and bounced me off the roof and I almost fell all the ground but luckily caught myself. How embarrassing.


That was possibly the funniest thing i have seen in years.

Hm.. I wonder who "Anonymous" is... maybe the ONLY witness to this event?! I think so.

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