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Jackassery Award of the Day, Vol. 1

Clooney Pays $20 at Kids' Lemonade Stand.

Seriously. I'm embarrassed to even provide a link to this story. I'd be impressed if it was something like "Clooney Pays College Tuition at Kids' Lemonade Stand". But it wasn't. It was $20.

$20?! Not only is that so incredibly cheap for the second lamest version of Batman, but he didn't even pay it, he sent someone over to pay it for him.

George Clooney, I present you with the Jackassery Award of the Day. Jackass.


Second worst Batman? Don’t knock the Cloonmister just because the rest of the movie sucked.

Sorry to tell you Monkey, but the "Cloonmister" sucked at that role, along with everyone else in the movie. The "Cloonmister" is only second in lameness to Val Kilmer, the "Kilmeister".

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