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The Rooster's Thoughts

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Mother's Day

Ah, Mother's Day. A day to recognize and show our appreciation to the women who brought us into this world - And deal with our crap, for at least 18 years, and most likely many years beyond that.

I, amongst many other people, went to go visit my Mom yesterday. She is a wonderful lady. Very kind, sweet, and just all around a great person. The best Mom I could ever ask for.

It's funny to note that even though I'm 26 years old, 9 years since I moved out, that my Mom still finds it necessary to "raise me right". My Mom is very old-fashioned. A "Southern Belle" as some might say (yes, she's from the South).

I've done a lot of crazy stuff since I moved out at 17 years old. I've done a lot of stupid stuff. I've almost gotten myself killed a few times. My Mom doesn't know any of this, and I'd much rather not tell her. Ever.

In my last 8-10 years I have done lots and lots of drugs. Basically if I could drop it, drink it, sniff it, eat it, or smoke it, I did it. If I could trespass on private property or break into state fairs after hours, I did it. If I could drive under the influence, I drove it like a bat out of hell (a bat that was really f***ed up!). Long story short, looking back, I'm surprised I'm not dead or in jail for the stupid crap I did when I was younger (note: I quit doing all this about 5 years ago - except for the weed, which I didn't give up until almost a year ago).

The part I have to snicker over every time I leave her house, is the fact that my Mom will still reprimand me for saying things like "butt", "fart", or "sucks". She thinks saying these "curse words" is some of the worst things I've ever done.

Oh if she only knew... The poor thing would probably have a heart attack right there. Let's just keep this little secret between you, me, and the rest of the world that might be reading this blog right now.

God bless my Mom and to all the other Mom's out there that deal with kids like me. I honestly don't know how you do it. Kudos to you.

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When I saw the title, I thought oh mother’s day, I should forward this post to his mother…. I guess I should have read this whole thing before forwarding. You might be getting a call shortly.

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