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The Rooster's Thoughts

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The Omnipotent Stick Strikes Again! Vol. 4

You know, living the corporate life, one of the more frustrating things is when people reserve conference rooms and then never actually hold their meetings, so the room was booked for no good reason. The effect of this is that when I want to reserve the conference room, it shows as unavailable. So I move to the next one. Oh that's not available either. This continues until I realize that no conference rooms are available and I'm forced to schedule my "urgent" meeting a week out.

I've learned to live with this. I'm not happy about it, but it's just the nature of the beast. Now I've run into something else.

This morning I come into the office to find a note on my office door that reads "This room is reserved Thurs 5/10 & Fri 5/11 - REYMAN". Um. What?

OK, this isn't officially my office. I am a vendor for Microsoft and as such, I am not provided an actual desk. I am a "squatter". Well, this "squatter" found this office and has been using it for almost three months now. There are open offices all around me, but this one I have pretty much claimed for my own.

Everyone around here knows this is the office I have taken. This is where everyone finds me, this is where I get my phone calls, this is where I hold small meetings. Not today or tomorrow though, because "REYMAN" decided to kick me out for a few days without consulting me first.

Fine, it's not officially my office, so I'll let it slide. Kind of. So I moved over to the next office (you know, the one that should have been reserved by "REYMAN" because this one is never used). I've walked by MY office several times today and NOT ONE PERSON has been occupying it. What the hell?!

I looked up "REYMAN" in the global address book at work and it turns out "REYMAN" already has an office on the second floor.

Why then, would "REYMAN" have reserved my office? Could it be they're expecting a visitor from out of town that would need that office? Maybe. Still doesn't explain why they didn't choose one of the empty offices around me to reserve. Could it be that "REYMAN" was having remodeling done in his own office? Maybe, but not likely.

I know! There is only explanation:

"REYMAN" is sharing the now well-known Microsoft Employee Transmitted Disease (METD), the Omnipotent Stick.

Pure jackassery.

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we're gonna need to go ahead and move you downstairs into storage B. We have some new people coming in, and we need all the space we can get. So if you could go ahead and pack up your stuff and move it down there, that would be terrific, mmmKay?

I'm gonna burn the building down.

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